FernLeaf Fundamentals
Everything we do at FernLeaf is rooted in our mission and steeped with intention. See below for FernLeaf's mission and the four pillars of a FernLeaf education which we lovingly call the 'FernLeaf Fundamentals.' Our mission & these fundamentals guide all of our actions and create the beautiful school environment that is FernLeaf!
Everything begins with our Mission!
FernLeaf's Mission is to foster a rich learning environment that embodies the essence of community, understanding and the human spirit. Grounded in humble respect for our surroundings, the individual and the world as a whole, we seek to engage the unique passions and aptitudes of our school community so that in addition to achieving academic fluency, students become thoughtful, compassionate and engaged.

FernLeaf Fundamental #1 High Quality
Academic Instruction
FernLeaf’s licensed teachers are skilled at delivering High Quality Academic Instruction and helping students master core academic content and skills. Did you know that FernLeaf outperforms the state average on standardized tests in every area and that many of our students rank in the highest percentiles in the state? Students are able to develop new skills and apply their learning through a robust Project Based Learning (PBL), Outdoor Education and Experiential Learning program.
FernLeaf Fundamental #2 Rich Learning Environments
FernLeaf's creative, licensed and experienced teachers work tirelessly to craft rich learning environments that bring learning to life, help students apply what they are learning in meaningful ways, and simply make school a special place for them to come to each day. Project Based Learning, 8+ field work opportunities EVERY YEAR, an emphasis on outdoor and environmental education, as well as a wide array of elective offerings allow students to take their learning to another level and discover their unique passions and aptitudes. FernLeaf also offers EVERY grade level an overnight experience as well as multiple optional domestic and overseas travel opportunities to students every year!

FernLeaf Fundamental #3 Social & Emotional Growth & Development
The social and emotional growth & development of FernLeaf students is supported through an ongoing school-wide focus that helps them learn to regulate emotions, develop healthy identities, nurture supportive and meaningful relationships, and build skills for responsible decision making. Daily class meetings, regular mindfulness practices, Counselor-led classes, & more just skim the surface of how we integrate social and emotional growth and development at FernLeaf!
FernLeaf Fundamental #4 Community & Culture
FernLeaf nurtures a kind, compassionate, and thoughtful school culture while working to build a strong sense of community amongst our students, staff, and families.
Our creative and caring teachers lead by example and help students to feel connected to something greater than themselves. Regular community events, unique school activities, multi-grade level learning, and more all work together to strengthen our core community.