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We are so glad you're interested in continuing your high school education at FernLeaf. We are a public charter school located in Fletcher, NC with an emphasis on experiential learning and ultimately guiding students to be thoughtful, compassionate & engaged humans!




Did you know that FernLeaf now offers High School AND has similar values as Hanger Hall?! Apply between Jan 1 - March 31, 2023 - during our open enrollment period to be entered into our lottery to get a slot for the 2023 - 2024 school year! We hope you'll consider making FernLeaf your new school home!

In the meantime, sign up for an in person tour, request a shadow day with a current 9th grader, and plan to attend one of our high school open days. Scroll down to learn about our upcoming Fall Open Day!

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FernLeaf Community Charter School High School



  • Career exploration creating options for ALL students & ALL paths

  • Small tight-knit High School experience and smaller class sizes than typical high schools

  • Rigorous academics preparing students for college & beyond

  • Ample time for socialization and relationship building

  • Dual enrollment opportunities at BRCC, ABTech or NC School of Science & Math

  • AP, Honors, & Virtual course offerings that supplement an already rigorous course of study

  • Earn state & local diploma endorsements based on student's unique passions & aptitudes

  • Job shadow and internship opportunities

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Intentional career exploration and ongoing guidance along with job shadowing and internship opportunities help FernLeaf high school students develop their unique passions and aptitudes with an eye toward college & other post graduation options.

FernLeaf Students at WCU


FernLeaf high school students have a myriad of opportunities for enhancing their learning and developing meaningful relationships through monthly fieldwork, domestic & international travel as well as overnight trips.

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Athletics & adventure sports options abound for our high school students including: mountain biking, backpacking, as well as traditional athletic options.

FernLeaf High Schooler


​Friends, social experiences, and relationships in high school are an important part of the high school experience. FernLeaf students learn and develop skills to help them build healthy and supportive relationships, navigate life’s challenges, and build compassion and empathy for others.

FernLeaf High School Community Event


​FernLeaf recognizes the importance of friendships and relationship building during the teenage years and provides numerous opportunities for students to socialize both in and outside of the school day.

FernLeaf High School Electives


Students choose from a wide range of elective options including: Spanish, Astronomy, Robotics, Visual Arts, Music & Performing Arts & Outdoor Ed. 

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FernLeaf’s rigorous academic program prepares students to meet state graduation requirements and earn a variety of Endorsements and Certifications preparing them for College and other life pursuits.  Honors, Advanced Placement, Virtual & Dual Enrollment options supplement an already comprehensive course of study.

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Building on all of the rich and varied opportunities of their high school experience, FernLeaf graduates are prepared not just for college and work, but also to navigate the complexities of adult life beyond high school.

FernLeaf is a strong community that teaches kids more than just their core academics. Ever seen a young adult graduate and feel ill prepared for the real world...This is NOT the type of human that is cultivated in the incredibly supportive and thoughtful school environment at FernLeaf. Children are taught about their environment, outdoor skills, social-emotional regulation, how to grow in empathy and compassion, and mindfulness. There is also a strong focus on service and giving back.

FernLeaf Wilderness Campus

NEW for the 2023-2024 School Year

High schoolers will attend FernLeaf on our brand new Wilderness Campus!

High School Years at FernLeaf

FernLeaf graduates are prepared not just for college and work, but to navigate the complexities of adult life beyond high school.

As a FernLeaf High School students you are eager to use your own unique passions and aptitudes to explore the world and relationships and start asserting your independence as learners, doers and people. FernLeaf's incredible Staff are eager to promote this deep learning through rigorous academic experiences, meaningful fieldwork opportunities, promotion of self exploration, after-school extracurricular activities, travel opportunities, and diverse elective opportunities.

High school is the time many students have been waiting for!  Since FernLeaf strives to nurture the WHOLE person, not only will you work academically towards graduation, but you will also have opportunities to engage as the thoughtful and compassionate members of society that you have become as you explore various ways you might develop your skills to be contributing members of your communities. Whether through employment, apprenticeship, college, trade school, entrepreneurship or other avenues, FernLeaf will guide you on your way!


FernLeaf also recognizes the importance of friendships and relationship building during the teenage years and provides numerous opportunities for students to socialize both in and outside of the school day.  Even little things like intentional team building activities, extended lunch periods, and increased time between classes offer FernLeaf high schoolers opportunities to develop meaningful relationships during a critical juncture in your life. Outside of the school day, students are provided with numerous fun and engaging social activities that provide supervised, safe, and structured environments for you to socialize, build relationships, and hone interpersonal skills that you will carry with you throughout your life.  The choices you make, the friends you connect with, and the relationships you develop during your high school experience have lifelong implications and the FernLeaf Community stands ready to support you.  


High school academic programming at FernLeaf becomes increasingly specialized and complex while building on the content, knowledge, and skills developed during the middle school years.  New levels of understanding, confidence, and academic capacity emerge and students become more capable and accomplished than ever before.  You as a student will use your increasingly sophisticated place in life to meet graduation requirements as well as earn recognition for your achievements through a variety of Endorsements and Certifications.  Whether earning a North Carolina Academic Scholars Endorsement, a College/UNC Endorsement, an Outdoor Leadership Endorsement, or anything in between, you as a FernLeaf High School student are supported in YOUR individual pursuits and endeavors.


In addition to Core Academic and Elective courses needed to meet state graduation requirements, FernLeaf provides advanced opportunities including Honors, Advanced Placement courses, Dual Enrollment options, Independent Study opportunities, as well as support in finding or creating internship, workforce development, and/or certification opportunities.


FernLeaf’s rich and meaningful High School experience culminates in the unfurling of a student who is not only ready to meet their post graduation goals, but also LOVES learning and is a thoughtful, compassionate and engaged member of their community!

Sample High School
Daily Schedule

(NOTE: times & periods may vary)

*FernLeaf Extended (FLEX) Passing Period is an important time for socialization and rejuvenation where students can connect with friends, follow up with teachers, rest, have a snack, and generally reset & prepare for their next class. Typical High School passing periods are 3-5 minutes.


**FernLeaf Exploration (FLEX) Class Period provides students with a designated period for Advisory, additional support from teachers, study hall, and other structured activities & opportunities.


THURSDAY 3/23/23
5 - 7 PM

We're hosting an outdoor, in personOPEN HOUSE at FernLeaf!

We'll have information about our signature programming including after school activities, travel opportunities, and fieldwork, teachers available to chat with, regular tours of our classrooms and our food truck will be open with food available for purchase!

SIGN UP for our email list by clicking the button below so we can email you more information as we get closer to the event date!  

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