What are you looking for?
Imagine a school that you LOVE coming to every day. A community of friends and teachers who support you in being YOU. A school that encourages you to explore your passions AND one that helps you achieve whatever you want now & for your future!
High School - FernLeaf Style

FernLeaf's high school is more than 50% smaller than traditional high schools creating a tight knit community amongst staff and students.

FernLeaf high school students have a myriad of opportunities for enhancing their learning and developing meaningful relationships through monthly off campus fieldwork, domestic & international travel as well as overnight trips.

FernLeaf’s rigorous academic program offers the ability to earn a variety of diploma endorsements and certifications preparing them for college and other life pursuits. Honors, advanced placement, virtual & dual enrollment options supplement an already comprehensive course of study.

FernLeaf recognizes the importance of friendships and relationship building during the teenage years and provides numerous opportunities for students to socialize both in and outside of the school day.

Students choose from a wide range of elective options including: Spanish, Astronomy, Robotics, Visual Arts, Orchestra, Outdoor Ed and More!

Adventure sports options abound for our high school students including: backpacking, canoeing, rock climbing, white water kayaking and MORE!

Athletic options for our high school students include traditional sports such as cross country & soccer as well as non-traditional athletics like ultimate frisbee & disc golf teams.

FernLeaf offers overnight trips for students EVERY year along with optional domestic & international travel opportunities!

Friends, social experiences, and relationships in high school are an important part of the high school experience. FernLeaf students learn and develop skills to help them build healthy and supportive relationships, navigate life’s challenges, and build compassion and empathy for others.

FernLeaf's teachers and staff believe in ALL of our students creating a supportive environment to learn and seek your passions.

Intentional career exploration and ongoing guidance along with job shadowing and internship opportunities help FernLeaf high school students develop their unique passions and aptitudes with an eye toward college & other post graduation options.

Building on all of the rich and varied opportunities of their high school experience, FernLeaf graduates are prepared not just for college and work, but also to navigate the complexities of adult life beyond high school.
Sample Daily Schedule
(NOTE: times & periods may vary)
*FernLeaf Extended (FLEX) Passing Period is an important time for socialization and rejuvenation where students can connect with friends, follow up with teachers, rest, have a snack, and generally reset & prepare for their next class. Typical High School passing periods are 3-5 minutes.
**FernLeaf Exploration (FLEX) Class Period provides students with a designated period for Advisory, additional support from teachers, study hall, and other structured activities & opportunities.

FernLeaf 的高中时代
FernLeaf 的毕业生不仅为上大学和工作做好了准备,而且还为应对高中后成人生活的复杂性做好了准备。
FernLeaf 高中的学生渴望利用他们独特的热情和才能来探索世界和他们的关系,并开始主张他们作为学习者、实干家和人的独立性。 FernLeaf 令人难以置信的员工渴望通过严谨的学术经验、有意义的实地考察机会、促进自我探索、课后课外活动、旅行机会和多样化的选修机会来促进这种深度学习。
高中是许多学生一直在等待的时刻! 由于 FernLeaf 致力于培养完整的人,您的高中生不仅会在学业上为毕业而努力,而且他们还将有机会参与当他们探索各种方法时,他们已经成为有思想和富有同情心的社会成员,他们可以发展自己的技能,成为对社区有贡献的成员。无论是通过就业、学徒、大学、贸易学校、创业还是其他途径,FernLeaf 都将引导他们前进!
FernLeaf 还认识到在青少年时期建立友谊和关系的重要性,并为学生提供大量在校内外社交的机会。 甚至像有意的团队建设活动这样的小事,扩展午餐时间和增加的课间时间为 FernLeaf 的高中生提供了在他们生活的关键时刻发展有意义的关系的机会。在课余时间,为学生提供了许多有趣且引人入胜的社交活动,这些活动为他们提供了受监督、安全和结构化的环境,以进行社交、建立关系和磨练人际交往能力,这些将伴随他们一生。_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 他们做出的选择、他们结交的朋友以及他们在高中期间建立的关系具有终生影响,FernLeaf 社区随时准备支持他们。
FernLeaf 的高中学术课程变得越来越专业和复杂,同时建立在中学期间发展的内容、知识和技能的基础上。 新水平的理解、信心和学术能力出现,学生们变得比以往任何时候都更有能力和成就。 学生利用他们在生活中日益成熟的地位来满足毕业要求,并通过各种认可和认证获得对他们成就的认可。_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 无论是获得北卡罗来纳州学术学者认可、大学/UNC 认可、户外领导认可,还是介于两者之间的任何东西,FernLeaf 高中学生在他们的个人追求和努力中都会得到支持。
除了满足州毕业要求所需的核心学术和选修课程外,FernLeaf 还提供高级机会,包括荣誉课程、大学先修课程、双录取选项、独立学习机会,以及寻找或创造实习、劳动力发展和/或认证机会。
FernLeaf 丰富而有意义的高中经历最终展现了一名学生,他不仅准备好实现毕业后的目标,而且热爱学习,并且是社区中一个体贴、富有同情心和积极参与的成员!