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Riley Horne

5th-11th Grades Exceptional Children Teacher

Riley's interest in being an EC teacher can be traced back to her volunteer work in a homeless womens' childcare program during college. Riley grew up in a variety of locations but some notable highlights are South Carolina, Texas, Japan, and Georgia. In these ventures she got her education, traveled, and started playing Dungeons and Dragons in her free time, which, effectively destroyed all her free time. 

Riley has done a variety of things that she has enjoyed, including working on cruise ships, working as an assistant paper conservator, and school docent in museums and art galleries in Atlanta, and more.Those experiences rounded her out and made her curious to both learn about the world and show what she learned to others. Nothing was as satisfying as her volunteer work, however, so Riley decided to pursue teaching as a career. Riley graduated with her masters of EC education from WCU in Spring of 2024. 

Riley continues to play Dungeons and Dragons as well as occasionally practice her Japanese, buy overpriced bath bombs, make puns she claims are decent, and drink too much coffee and tea.

Riley Horne
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